Stuart Coal (Pty) Ltd. lodged an application for the amendment of the Environmental Management Programme Report in terms of Section 102 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Developments Act (Act 28 of 2002) (MPRDA) and the Regulations thereunder for the East Block Colliery located on portion 29 and the remaining extent of Portion 6 (a portion of portion 1) of the Farm Weltevreden 227 IR (Mining Right reference number (MP)30/5/1/2/3/2/1/16 EM).
Notice is hereby given that the above mentioned application has been approved by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) on 03 September 2020. A copy of the approval document is attached hereto. Should you wish to appeal any aspect of the decision, an appeal must be submitted to the Minister of Environmental Affairs within 20 days of the date of this notification (11 September 2020) thus by 01 October 2020 and copied to the applicant and the DMRE. Details regarding the appeals process can be found in the approval document and in the appeals regulations (contact details provided on request).